Lee County 9-1-1

When Seconds Count

How to Use 9-1-1

The following list will help you to provide the information needed when you dial 9-1-1. Having this information is necessary to get the correct help on the way as soon as possible. It is important to have as much information as possible and having it in order will speed the help.

Criteria for calling 911:
Save a life.
Report a fire.
Stop a crime.
Reporting a home incident:
What (fire, burglary, person not breathing, person bleeding, etc.)
If it is a fire, evacuate first then call.
If a person - age, sex and approximate condition
Where (address)
Weapons (gun, knife, etc. or NO weapons involved)
Drugs/Alcohol involved or none
Reporting an accident:
Where (what city, what intersection on what road/street)
Exact location (what side of the intersection/street and traffic lane)
Injuries (how many and what type)
bleeding, walking around, ,alert, unconscious, etc.
How many vehicles
Color of vehicles
Reporting a vehicle (reckless driver, possible drunk, leaking material etc.)
License Plate Number (What state, color or description)
Any other identification numbers (ICC, Hazardous material etc.)
Color of vehicle
Year (may be best guess but try, 70’s, late model, very old etc.)
Make/Model (Ford, Chevrolet, Audi, Dodge, Cadillac etc. )
Body style (sedan, SUV, pickup, limousine etc.)
Other (Anything distinguishable; body damage, added lights, roll bars, etc.)
Reporting livestock or debris in the roadway
Describe a Person
Race (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc.)
Sex (Male/Female)
Age (teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.)
Height (in feet and inches - as accurately as you can)
Weight (in lbs. - as accurately as you can)
Hair (Color and - balding, long, short, pony tail etc.)
Facial Hair (beard, mustache etc.)
Hat (type, color)
Shirt (color, style)
Weapons (knife, revolver, semi-auto, shotgun, etc. and how/where carried)
Transportation (car, bicycle, truck, on foot, etc.)
Direction of travel (north, south, east, west, etc. from what address)